Customer Experience Training
- For individuals and teams, run onsite, offsite or online
- Sessions and workshops are designed to give you effective, practical skills across all aspects of Customer Experience
- Full of tools, tips, templates, case studies and best practices
- The broad aim is to increase confidence, influence and value to the business
Since 2014 I’ve been recognised as an established coach for the CXPA’s Certified Customer Experience Professional accreditation. The customer experience training is rooted in the real-world as it applies to you and your business but covers the six core competencies:
- nurturing customer-centric cultures
- having an effective customer experience strategy
- listening to the voice of the customer
- measuring the experience
- design, improvement and innovation of the experience
- governance and assigning accountability
Plus, we can spend time on areas that are critical for you – the day-to-day role of a CX professional, doing a live journey mapping exercise so you can repeat it as and when you want or developing the first stages of your CX strategy.
And after the workshops we can look at the implications for personal development plans where people want to develop their CX career further.
I’ve had some lovely feedback from the customer experience training sessions, including this recently from one of the UK’s leading financial services companies:
I couldn’t make it to your training but I heard it went really well. Wish I’d been there!
It’s great to see the team being a lot more confident about selling customer experience into the rest of the organisation now – thank you!
If you’ve any training needs around Customer Experience I’d love to see if we can help. Please get in touch with me directly:
call +44 (0) 7917 718072 or email [email protected] .